In English
For fellow National Committees
The UWC National Committee of Finland can be best reached at, which is the office email address and read frequently. We are an active national committee run mainly by former UWC students; we send approximately 11 full scholarship (funded by the Finnish Cultural Foundation, Swedish Cultural Foundation in Finland, Föreningen Konstsamfundet rf, Lisi Wahls stiftelse för studieunderstöd sr, Stiftelsen Brita Maria Renlunds minne sr and Svenska folkskolans vänner rf) students each year to 8–9 different UWC schools (currently all other colleges except Changshu, Dilijan, East Africa, ISAK, Li Po Chun, Maastricht, Pearson College, South East Asia and Thailand) and UWC short courses.
International Applicants
Please note that you can apply via the UWC National Committee of Finland only if you are a Finnish citizen or reside permanently in Finland. If you are not eligible to apply via the UWC National Committee of Finland, please contact the UWC National Committee of the country of your citizenship/residence for further information. To find your UWC National Committee, please visit
Also, please note that if you are eligible to apply via the UWC National Committee of Finland, the application process is in Finnish or Swedish only.
If you have questions on whether or not you can apply, please contact us at
Please see here for more information on applying at the UWC International website.
Contact information
Contact address:
Suomen UWC-yhdistys ja UWC-toimikunta
Lapinrinne 1 B 204
00180 Helsinki
Telephone: +358 45 677 0077
Chair of the Board: